Saturday, April 2, 2011

Meanwhile what?

He will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. 
Job 8:21 NLT

Meanwhile what? What shall we do while we are in the valley waiting for the miracle? Obviously depression, doubt and guilt are in very fertile ground in the valley. How do you stop these emotions from growing like deadly weeds in your heart. You pray, then when you think you can't pray anymore you stop and pray some more...

So I haven't updated in a bit, guess when your in the valley sometimes its hard to share, hard to get out of self. So I apologize to all of you who have called and text and I haven't responded. I'm sorry.

It's been a pretty rough week. We are hospitalized now and it seems that we will be here for the duration of our stay. Dree hates being confined to the hospital, she can handle a busy day. She can run around from hospital to clinic and back. So when we got a call saying she had 2 active viruses and we needed to meet the doctors at the hospital and we would be there to stay, Well she cried.

The gleam in her eyes and her brilliant smile have been gone. She asked me why God hates her. I responded with encouragement, and she said "your my mom, it's your job to tell me God loves me". 

The transplant will be delayed by a few weeks. They have to give her a full course of antibiotics to treat the viruses. They won't biopsy the mass in her lungs until the viruses are gone. They don't want to put her under while she is sick. So we wait, and then wait some more. She is in isolation. She isn't allowed to leave her room. She has to do a breathing treatment under a tent for 2 hours every 8 hours. My little girl is weary... she is sick and tired of being sick and tired.  We miss home, we miss our family and our friends. So we pray... and pray some more.


  1. Oh Scarlett, sweet baby. I know this just breaks your heart. I know that if you could do all of this in her place you would. Please try to remember that we are all still praying. We think of Adrianna and we continue to pray for healing. I am going to go to Him right now, sweetie. Please hold tight. Much love to you both--Jackie

  2. We will continue to pray as we have been. Let Adrianna, know it is not my job, as she would say it is yours. God doesn't hate you at all Adrianna, in fact the opposite is true even when we are in the valley. I don't know if Adrianna enjoys reading books but there is a wonderful book called Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard that I would love her to read and would love to send her. If you don't mind.

    In HIS Care and Love and in our prayers

    Marcus, Tanya, Faith, Emerald and Gabriel

  3. Scarlett, I am a CCV member and I pray for Adrianna daily. As I was reading your blog today, I kept remembering the poem "Footprints in the Sand." I envision Jesus carrying Adrianna through this valley. This may bring some comfort to you and your daughter.


  4. We love you guys so much and are praying for Adrianna to KNOW God loves her and pray He will guard her heart. We are also praying for you as we all know that a hurting child is the worst hurt possible on a mother's heart. I am so glad your family is there now and pray they will be encouraging in this. Know we lift you up daily

  5. Oh Scarlett as a Mom, I know how you hurt for her. Oh yes, please tell her God loves her so much. She is an inspiration to all who don't know Him. Sometimes we have these valleys we don't know why, but he has a plan for her. My heart goes out to her for all she has to endure. She is a trooper not many of us adults could go through what she has already gone through. I am continually thinking about and praying for her and for you as well. Love you both.

  6. Scarlett, I know we haven't spoken in quiet some time, but I want you know know that I have been praying for Adrianna and you every day. I pray that God will continue to give you both strength and for his loving hands to hold her close and heal her soon. You have alot of people who love and care for you out there and if there is anything we can do, please let me know. All of my love to you both. ~Anita

  7. I just wrote this beautiful note and lost it all trying to figure out how to post it!!! I love you and please tell adrianna me bella david sadie and tony love her very much! David and Bella ask for her often and we talk about how much fun we all had together and how much fun we will all have again!!
    I LOVE YOU!!!

  8. I came over here from Jackie Sill's blog. Her husband was the youth pastor at my grandparent's church years ago in Illinois, and I couldn't wait to be old enough to be in the youth group. I just want you to know that three hours north of you and across a border in BC you have someone praying for you and your family. Even in the questions without answers and the heartaches, I pray that somehow, in some way Jesus will reach down and love on both you and your daughter today.

  9. Scarlett, I just wanted to let you know also, that adrianna, you, and your family have been lifted up daily in prayer among friends, in groups, and in solitary quiet time every day. Your daughter has touched the hearts of more people than you could ever know. We rally around you in faithful, bold, prayer as the body of Christ and we love you both very much.

    In Christ and in love,
    Christina Olivos

  10. Beautiful!!! iam so happy to hear that adrianna is happy and feeling better!!!! I MISS YOU BOTH SO MUCH!! i read that story by the woman who was praying with you then when to a swim meet WOW!!!! TE QUIERO MUCHISIMO HERMANA!! estamos orando y pidendole a dios! yo se que andas muy ocupada y tambien cansada! pero estas haciendo un trabajo de amor maravillosa!!!
    i dont really know what the heck im doing with this blog they made me get a new account but i hope my message gets to you and the BABY!!!
