Monday, April 18, 2011

Peaks and valleys..

I'm so sorry I've been neglectful. I am committed to this blog but am also trying to spend as much time with my family as possible. So let me begin with all the medical stuff. Adrianna had 2 ordinarily benign viruses, but in her state, they were potentially life threatening--she was immediately admitted and was placed in isolation for 11 days. She had a CT and they discovered a mass in her lung. 16 days later no more mass, no more viruses. The doctors tested her 3 times because the thought they were getting false negatives.  She passed her PFT (pulmonary function test) with flying colors and will not need to take that test again. Before the transplant can proceed, we need to get a few cavities filled and because of the disease this is not easy and she needs to be fully anesthesized. We have been discharged back to the Ronald McDonald House for now, and are waiting to resolve the dental issues before we move forward. So tomorrow hopefully we hear from the the dental team and may possibly get an actual "day zero" transplant date.

We are grateful for all your thoughts and prayers and all the encouragement everyone is sending via email,text, FB, and snail mail. They keep us going. I will be adding a photo album soon.

I have often wondered why? Why our family?  We already have enough trouble without this disease invading and destroying. My alcoholism, and various other hurts habits and hang ups continue to wreak havoc but why this too? Well actually to be honest I have come to terms with the disease, but at times now struggle really with the waiting, the delays, the limbo. I ask myself and God what lesson am I missing, is this a consequence of sin? Are we missing a step?

Ultimately, God gives us a sense of peace and does not allow us to be devastated by these questions and doubts.  HE sends us constant reminders that we are where we need to be.  And keeps us moving forward--wherever "forward" may be.  Please keep us in your prayers.  Our family depends on it.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!"
Isaiah 43:18-19


  1. Praise God for all the great medical news! I have been thinking and praying so much for you guys. Waiting always seems the hardest part but what comfort to see the constant reminders of your place in His will. God bless you and your sweet girl. My prayers and thoughts remain with you, adrianna, and the rest of your family.
    With love and blessings,
    Christina Olivos

  2. Oh more praise reports, her physical therapistsaid her mobility is improving woo hoo, this is pre transplant! God is amazing :)

  3. Thank you for your updates and also letting us know more how to pray for you personally. It is ok to question God. King David did too! He is showing you is mercy and power by the praise reports and will continue to do so. We will be praying for healing and faith and love you guys so much.

  4. Thank you for taking the time to fill us in on what is happening - physically and spiritually. Thank you for sharing your heart. We are praying for all of your needs and trusting God will provide. You are not alone. We are here to pray with you, cry with you, hope with you, and trust God will show up.

  5. Thanks for the update. We are praying.

  6. We continue to keep you in our prayers. I want to share with you this passage from John as way of encouragement. I know things get confusing at times. We tend to look high and low for a reason; for why things are happening the way that they are.

    John 9 1-3
    1 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
    3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.

    "I have often wondered why? Why our family? We already have enough trouble without this disease invading and destroying. My alcoholism, and various other hurts habits and hang ups continue to wreak havoc but why this too? Well actually to be honest I have come to terms with the disease, but at times now struggle really with the waiting, the delays, the limbo. I ask myself and God what lesson am I missing, is this a consequence of sin? Are we missing a step?"

    The answer is not always easy to hear none the less it is true. So let me answer as Jesus did.

    Neither Adrianna, nor you or Erwin sinned, "but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in Adrianna and you. To reach the world, to fill heaven with all its population. So that one day He no longer manages in our lives but wipes it out.

    Currently God manages sin in this world, He allows it because it is not yet His time to bring us home. He manages it because if He were to do otherwise He would have to destroy us, because He can not co-exists with sin.

    Tanya has sent you a letter, and my hope and prayer is that you know and understand as a family, there are others praying for you, and understand the peeks and valleys you are going through.

    May God get all the glory in your life and others through all of this.

    Love your Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

    In HIS Care

    Marcus, Tanya, Emerald, Gabriel and Faith
